A glimpse…

The pages you see here are from my series of 5.5 x 8.5 sketchbooks. Since 2019, I’ve always kept one around to capture feelings and incubate ideas. Serving as place to store first drafts and a visual journal of sorts, these sketchbooks are my most valuable tool.

Please enjoy.

I hate seagulls.

I like to draw animals that evoke unsettling feelings. I like the way these pages are juxtaposed as both species are eerie, but the egrets appear omnipotent and lawfully good. The seagulls are . . . whack as hell.

Things that make me nauseas.

I enjoy exploring cartoons in the low stakes environment of my sketchbook. Here, I articulate two things that really bother me: my phone and Boxelder Bugs.

Found God in a Tomato

An odd pairing that has absolutely no meaning behind it. Inspired by the religious figure behind my apartment at the time and a song that was recommended to me.

Love is hard.

It's funny how the species that mates for life are also frequent killers. Swans can fight violently by swinging their necks around. Their behavior reminds me that love isn’t always so obvious. Are the swans playing, dancing, kissing? Or are they about to kill each other… I guess we’ll never know.

Working from home.

I tend to draw self portraits in moments when I need to acknowledge my autonomy again. Drawing myself reminds me that I do in fact have a body, soul, and spirit all with their own agency. Working from home makes me feel otherwise.

In my room.

When I can’t think of much to draw I take inspiration from the items immediately in front of me. Here you’ll see my neighbors windows, red wine, my dog, my lamp, my journal, my pet box elder bug….